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 Asunto: El Cuaderno del Ingeniero (utilidades, herramientas, refer.
NotaPublicado: 30 Oct 2010, 12:11 
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Registrado: 22 Nov 2009, 00:48
Mensajes: 236
Herramientas y utilidades para todos los gustos, en ..

Engineer's Notebook

http://radiomagonline.com/tutorials_tip ... _notebook/

Engineer's Notebook
Proof of Performance Manuals

In the 1970s, Broadcast Engineering published an FM and AM manual to conduct a station audio proof of performance. We have scanned them and posted them for your reference.

Equipment Manual Archive

We're building an archive of equipment manuals for equipment that is now out of production.

Engineer's Notebook Pullout, part 2

Engineer's Notebook Pullout, part 2

Continental Electronics E-Slide

E-Slide is an electronic sliderule program for the Radio broadcast engineer.


A package of programs for radio broadcast engineers, including FM or STL path calculation, maximum AM DA MP calculation, FCC upper/lower common point/ND base current calculations, power change schedule for up to 14 months, calculate field/loop ratios for AM DA systems, fresnel zone clearance calculator, and more.

Endec Remote

Endec Remote 1.0.2 is a utility to remotely control a Sage Endec from a Windows PC via a serial or IP connection using a serial-to-Ethernet adaptor at the Sage unit.

Two Momentary Switches to a Maintained Switch

Turn two momentary closures into a single maintained contact.

Engineer's Notebook Pullout, part 1

Engineer's Notebook Pullout, part 1

IP Subnets

A handy reference of IP subnets.

Linear Digital Audio Data Rates and Storage

Need to figure the necessary storage sapce for audio files? Use these equations to make it easy.

TCP/IP Port Numbers

In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is an endpoint to a logical connection and the way a client program specifies a specific server program on a computer in a network.

Reporting a Tower Light Outage to the FAA

When a tower is not properly lit because of a light outage, the tower owner is required to notify the FAA. Here's how you do it.

Javascript Clock

Insert this Javascript code into your Web page to display the computer's time and date in a form that follows the mouse.

Time Calculations with a Calculator

Adding and substracting time isn't difficult if you know the secret. No special calculator is required.

Commonly Used Conversions

This handy collection of formulas and Java converters will help any radio engineer.

AM Radial Sniffer

Find copper radials in an AM antenna system with a field-intensity meter. These tips show you how.

Passive Audio Attenuators
, By Chriss Scherer

Learn to design T and H pads or use our handy calculator.

RF Resources Online

Online converters, tables and charts for radio broadcasting.

Resistor Color Codes

A convenient color-code chart to determine a resistor's value.

DTMF Information and Examples

Dual tone multi-frequency tones are used for telephony and many remote control applications. This page covers the basics of the DTMF standard and provides playable audio samples.

DTMF Information and Examples

Dual tone multi-frequency tones are used for telephony and many remote control applications. This page covers the basics of the DTMF standard and provides playable audio samples.

Commonly Used Conversions

This handy collection of formulas and Java converters will help any radio engineer.

SWR Calculator

A Java applet that calculates SWR based on the specified forward and reflected power levels.

SWR Calculator

A Java applet that calculates SWR based on the specified forward and reflected power levels.

Determine AM Modulation with an Oscilloscope

Use an oscilloscope to determine the modulation of an AM transmitter.

Determine AM Modulation with an Oscilloscope

Use an oscilloscope to determine the modulation of an AM transmitter.

Tower Light Alarm Circuit
, By Grady Moates

This pseudo-binary circuit allows a single remote-control telemetry channel to indicate several variations on circuit status.

StarGuide Relay Logger

A utility to help diagnose contact closure and configuration errors for a StarGuide broadcast satellite receiver. ZIP file.

Starguide Relay Logger

A utility to help diagnose contact closure and configuration errors for a Starguide broadcast satellite receiver. ZIP file.

FCC ID Number Lookup

Identify computer cards and other electronic components by their FCC ID number.

Tower Light Flasher Failure Alarm

A simple interface and flash-failure circuit to interface to a station's remote control.

SCA Primer for Broadcasters (2002 edition)
, Lyle Henry, CPBE

FM subcarrier services can be source of revenue for an FM station. They can also be a source of aggravation if not maintained properly.

SCA Primer for Broadcasters (2002 edition)
, Lyle Henry, CPBE

FM subcarrier services can be source of revenue for an FM station. They can also be a source of aggravation if not maintained properly.

Electrical Concepts and Practices - a Primer

A collection of articles from Radio magazine's sister publication EC&M.

Western Electric 111C and 119C Transformer Information

Pinouts and schematics for these popular, high-quality audio transformers.

Western Electric 111C and 119C Transformer Information

Pinouts and schematics for these popular, high-quality audio transformers.

Variation on the Shielded-Loop AM Antenna

A variation on the antenna's construction.

Variation on the Shielded-Loop AM Antenna

A variation on the antenna’s construction.

Electronic Symbols True Type Font

A True Type font set with electonic symbols.

Braided Shield Cable Preparation

A simpler, cleaner method of preparing a braided shield for a connector.

73 ;)
by SatM
 Asunto: Re: El Cuaderno del Ingeniero (utilidades, herramientas, re
NotaPublicado: 26 Dic 2010, 09:43 
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Registrado: 22 Nov 2009, 00:48
Mensajes: 236
Navegando por ahí .. ( http://www.neoteo.com/foro/f9/paraiso-d ... icos-1014/ ) nos encontramos con este Blog de Videos para Electrónicos:





En el capítulo 92, Dave, al tiempo que conduce, expone su opinión sobre formas diferentes, divertidas y entretenidas de abordar/entender la formación sobre diseño electrónico y de como obtener una titulación de EE en el MIT sin pasar por la universidad ..

http://www.eevblog.com/2010/06/09/eevbl ... -for-free/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuuYanGw ... r_embedded

Aparte de otros videos, éste, sobre la gran "Chatarrería de Electrónica" (mejor que "Paraíso de los Electrónicos") APEX Electronic en California, nos ha impresionado :o :shock:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XesfMfS5 ... r_embedded

La güeb de tan curioso sitio es ..


73 ;)
by SatM
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