me ha parecido muy interesante el
sistema europeo de localización de emisiones en HF al que se quiere apuntar la administración española:
http://www.eurobearing.org/project.html SerÃa igualmente interesante y necesario, que se hiciese algo parecido para mapear dinámica (en tiempo real) y detalladamente los
niveles de emisiones de estaciones base de móviles y afines, al menos, en las poblaciones.
Para las otras bandas en las que se hace control, se puede ver en:
http://www.mityc.es/telecomunicaciones/ ... /CTER.aspx El uso (o Cuadro nacional de atribución de frecuencias (CNAF)) está actualizado aquÃ:
http://www.mityc.es/TELECOMUNICACIONES/ ... /CNAF.aspx Incluyo un extracto del acuerdo citado:
Preamble This agreement provides the possibility for any Administration of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT) to access and to undertake measurements with HF direction finders in the range below 30 MHz from other administrations. Due to the physical characteristic of short wave and the costly nature of HF direction finding equipment, it is agreed that it is appropriate to establish a European common approach to share the HF direction finders amongst the CEPT administrations having signed this agreement. The aim of this agreement is to create a common understanding and to provide cooperation among the signatories for using HF direction finders from other administrations for the purpose of spectrum monitoring and clearance of radio interference.
Purpose and Scope This agreement establishes the procedures for a common use of HF direction finders on a non-profit making basis within the CEPT. The common use of the HF direction finders comprises :
Localisation of unknown HF transmitters,
Regular and systematic monitoring of the radio-frequency spectrum,
Support of ITU and CEPT measurement campaigns,
Investigation of harmful interference,
Monitoring of the parameters of HF transmissions.